Bij de behandeling van depressie maken wij gebruik van een krachtige combinatie van neurostimulatie (tDCS) en neurofeedback therapie. Soms voegen we ook nog andere technieken toe, indien nodig.
- Wetenschappelijke artikels over de effecten van EEG neurofeedback therapie bij depressie:
Ramirez, R., Palencia-Lefler, M., Giraldo, S. & Vamvakousis, Z. (2015). Musical neurofeedback for treating depression in elderly people. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 9, 354.
Cheon EJ, Koo BH, & Choi JH (2015). The Efficacy of Neurofeedback in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder: An Open Labeled Prospective Study. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback.
Choobforoushzadeh A1, Neshat-Doost HT, Molavi H, Abedi MR.(2015). Effect of neurofeedback training on depression and fatigue in patients with multiple sclerosis. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 40, 1-8.
Escolano C, Navarro-Gil M, Garcia-Campayo J, Congedo M, De Ridder D, Minguez J. (2014). A controlled study on the cognitive effect of alpha neurofeedback training in patients with major depressive disorder. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 8, 296.
Linden, D.E. (2014). Neurofeedback and networks of depression. Dialogues Clin Neurosci, 16, 103-112.
Peeters F, Oehlen M, Ronner J, van Os J, & Lousberg R. (2014). Neurofeedback as a treatment for major depressive disorder - a pilot study. PLoS One, 9(3), e91837.
Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (2014). Neurofeedback and Biofeedback for Mood and Anxiety Disorders: A Review of the Clinical Evidence and Guidelines – An Update. CADTH Rapid Response Reports.
Peeters F, Ronner J, Bodar L, van Os J, Lousberg R. (2014). Validation of a neurofeedback paradigm: manipulating frontal EEG alpha-activity and its impact on mood. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 93, 116-120.
Zotev V1, Phillips R, Yuan H, Misaki M, Bodurka J. (2014). Self-regulation of human brain activity using simultaneous real-time fMRI and EEG neurofeedback. Neuroimage, 85, 985-995.
Escolano C, Navarro-Gil M, Garcia-Campayo J, Minguez J. (2013). EEG-based upper-alpha neurofeedback for cognitive enhancement in major depressive disorder: a preliminary, uncontrolled study. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, 2013, 6293-6296.
Hardt JV (2012). Alpha brain-wave neurofeedback training reduces psychopathology in a cohort of male and female Canadian aboriginals. Advances in Mind Body Medicine, 26(2), 8-12.
Choi, S.W., Chi, S.E., Chung, S.Y., Kim, J.W., Ahn, C.Y., & Kim, H.T. (2011). Is alpha wave neurofeedback effective with randomized clinical trials in depression? A pilot study. Neuropsychobiology, 63, 43-51.
Dias, A.M., & van Deusen, A. (2011). A new neurofeedback protocol for depression. Spanish Journal of Psychology, 14, 374-384.
Walker, J.E., Lawson, R., & Koslowski, G. (2007). Current Status of QEEG and Neurofeedback in the Treatment of Clinical Depression. In J.R. Evans (Ed.), Handbook of Neurofeedback - Dynamics and Clinical Applications (pp. 341-352). New York: The Haworth Medical Press.
Larson, S., Ochs, L., Schultheis, K., Soehner, E., Fink, T.F., Brayton, L. (2006). High Anxiety, Deep Depression: Panic, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Anxiety, Phobia, Depression, and Bipolar Disorder. In S. Larson, The Healing Power of Neurofeedback (pp. 190-222). Rochester, Vermont: Healing Arts Press.
Hammond, D. (2005). Neurofeedback with anxiety and affective disorders. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 14, 105-123.
Baehr, E., Rosenfeld, J. P., & Baehr, R. (2001). Clinical use of an alpha asymmetry neurofeedback protocol in the treatment of mood disorders - follow-up study one to five years post therapy. Journal of Neurotherapy, 4, 11-18.
Hammond, D.C. (2001). Neurofeedback treatment of depression with the Roshi. Journal of Neurotherapy, 4, 45-56.
Rosenfeld, J.P. (2000). An EEG Biofeedback Protocol for Affective Disorders. Clinical Electroencephalography, 31, 7-12.
Baehr, E., Rosenfeld, J. P., & Baehr, R., & Earnest, C. (1999). Clinical use of an alpha asymmetry neurofeedback protocol in the treatment of mood disorders. In J.R. Evans & A. Abarbanel (Eds.), Introduction to Quantitative EEG and Neurofeedback (pp. 181-201). San Diego: Academic Press.
- Wetenschappelijke artikels over de effecten van transcraniële photobiomodulatie therapie bij depressie:
- Wetenschappelijke artikels over de effecten van transcraniële DC stimulatie (tDCS) therapie bij depressie:
Demirtas-Tatlidede, A., Vahabzadeh-Hagh, A.M., Pascual-Leone, A. (2013). Can noninvasive brain stimulation enhance cognition in neuropsychiatric disorders? Neuropharmacology, 64, 566-578.
Palm, U., Schiller, C., Fintescu, Z., Obermeier, M., Keeser, D., Reisinger, E., Pogarell, O., Nitsche, M.A., Möller, H.J., & Padberg, F. (2012). Transcranial direct current stimulation in treatment resistant depression: a randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Brain Stimulation, 5, 242-251.
Brunoni, A.R., Ferrucci, R., Fregni, F., Boggio, P.S., & Priori, A. (2012). Transcranial direct current stimulation for the treatment of major depressive disorder: A summary of preclinical, clinical and translational findings. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry, 39, 9-16.
Dell'osso, B., Zanoni, S., Ferrucci, R., Vergari, M., Castellano, F., D'Urso, N., Dobrea, C., Benatti, B., Arici, C., Priori, A., & Altamura, A.C. (2012). Transcranial direct current stimulation for the outpatient treatment of poor-responder depressed patients. Eur Psychiatry, 27, 513-517.
Kalu, U.G., Sexton, C.E., Loo, C.K., & Ebmeier, K.P. (2012). Transcranial direct current stimulation in the treatment of major depression: a meta-analysis. Psychological Medicine, 42, 1791-1800.
Loo, C.K., Alonzo, A., Martin, D., Mitchell, P.B., Galvez, V., & Sachdev, P. (2012). Transcranial direct current stimulation for depression: 3-week, randomised, sham-controlled trial. Br J Psychiatry, 200, 52-59.
Blumberger, D.M., Tran, L.C., Fitzgerald, P.B., Hoy, K.E., & Daskalakis, Z.J. (2012). A randomized double-blind sham-controlled study of transcranial direct current stimulation for treatment-resistant major depression. Front Psychiatry, 3, 74:1-8.
Martin, D.M., Alonzo, A., Mitchell, P.B., Sachdev, P., Gálvez, V., & Loo, C.K. (2011). Fronto-extracephalic transcranial direct current stimulation as a treatment for major depression: an open-label pilot study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 134, 459-463.
Brunoni, A.R., Ferrucci, R, Bortolomasi, M., Vergari, M., Tadini, L., Boggio, P.S., Giacopuzzi, M., Barbieri, S., & Priori, A. (2011). Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in unipolar vs. bipolar depressive disorder. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry, 35, 96-101.
Jorge, R.E., & Robinson, R.G. (2011). Treatment of late-life depression: a role of non-invasive brain stimulation techniques. Int Rev Psychiatry, 23, 437-444.
Loo, C.K., Sachdev, P., Martin, D., Pigot, M., Alonzo, A., Malhi, G.S., Lagopoulos, J., & Mitchell, P. (2010). A double-blind, sham-controlled trial of transcranial direct current stimulation for the treatment of depression. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol, 13, 61-69.
Arul-Anandam, A.P., & Loo, C. (2009). Transcranial direct current stimulation: a new tool for the treatment of depression? J Affect Disord, 117, 137-145.
Murphy, D.N., Boggio, P., & Fregni, F. (2009). Transcranial direct current stimulation as a therapeutic tool for the treatment of major depression: insights from past and recent clinical studies. Curr Opin Psychiatry, 22, 306-311.
Nitsche, M.A., Boggio, P.S., Fregni, F., & Pascual-Leone, A. (2009). Treatment of depression with transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS): a review. Exp Neurol, 219, 14-19.
Palm, U., Keeser, D., Schiller, C., Fintescu, Z., Reisinger, E., Baghai, T.C., Mulert, C., & Padberg, F. (2009). Transcranial direct current stimulation in a patient with therapy-resistant major depression. World J Biol Psychiatry, 10, 632-635.
Ferrucci, R., Bortolomasi, M., Vergari, M., Tadini, L., Salvoro, B., Giacopuzzi, M., Barbieri, S., Priori, A. (2009). Transcranial direct current stimulation in severe, drug-resistant major depression. J Affect Disord, 118, 215-219.
Boggio, P.S., Rigonatti, S.P., Ribeiro, R.B., Myczkowski, M.L., Nitsche, M.A., Pascual-Leone, A., & Fregni, F. (2008). A randomized, double-blind clinical trial on the efficacy of cortical direct current stimulation for the treatment of major depression. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol, 11, 249-254.